Smart Strategies for Saving Money Before a Move

Moving to a new home can be an exciting yet expensive endeavor. From hiring movers to purchasing packing supplies, the costs can quickly add up. However, with careful planning and a few smart strategies, you can save money and make your move more budget-friendly. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical tips to help you save money before a move.

Start Early and Plan Ahead

One of the key ways to save money before a move is by starting early and planning ahead. Give yourself ample time to research and compare prices for various moving services in the area. Booking in advance can often lead to significant discounts, as companies tend to offer better rates for early reservations. Starting the planning process early gives you more time to make better-informed decisions without being rushed.

Declutter and Sell Unwanted Items

Moving provides an excellent opportunity to declutter your belongings and get rid of things you no longer need. Instead of packing and moving unnecessary items, consider selling them. Organize a garage sale or use online platforms to sell items locally. The money you earn from selling your unwanted items can help offset moving expenses.

DIY Packing

Another effective way to save money is by packing your belongings yourself. Start collecting free or low-cost packing supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, and packing paper well in advance. Local grocery stores, liquor stores, or online marketplaces often have leftover boxes that they are willing to give away. By packing yourself, you can avoid paying premium prices for professional packing services.

Compare Moving Quotes

When hiring a company to help you move, it’s crucial to obtain quotes from UNITS Moving and Portable Storage of Wilmington, for instance. Take the time to ask questions such as which services are offered. Don’t forget to inquire about any hidden charges or additional fees to ensure you have an accurate estimate. With UNITS of Wilmington, there are no hidden fees.

Opt for Off-Peak Moving Dates

Moving during peak seasons or on weekends can be more expensive. To save money, consider scheduling your move during off-peak times, such as weekdays or non-peak seasons. Movers are likely to have more availability during these times, and you may be able to negotiate better rates. Contact UNITS of Wilmington to find out more.

Ask for Help

Instead of relying solely on professional movers to help move your belongings, reach out to friends and family members for assistance. Many hands make light work, and having help from loved ones can significantly reduce time spent moving and costs. Treat them to a meal or express your gratitude in another meaningful way to show your appreciation.

Utilize Affordable Storage Options

If your move requires temporary storage, compare prices for different storage facilities in your area. Look for affordable storage options, like UNITS of Wilmington, that provide adequate security and flexibility to meet your storage needs. Consider downsizing your storage requirements by selling or donating items that you don’t need to store.

Plan Your Utilities and Services Ahead of Time

To avoid any last-minute fees or interruptions, notify your utility providers, cable/internet companies, and other service providers well in advance of your move. Coordinate the cancellation or transfer of services to align with your moving dates. This proactive approach will help you avoid additional charges or deposits.

Moving can be an expensive process, but with careful planning and a few smart strategies, you can save money and make your move more affordable. By starting early, decluttering, comparing quotes, and utilizing DIY options, you can significantly reduce moving expenses. Remember, every dollar saved adds up, allowing you to allocate more resources toward settling into your new home. For the most affordable way to move, call UNITS Moving and Portable Storage of Wilmington at (910) 469-0242 and get started today.

Ready To Make The Move?


(910) 469-0242

Our local owners and managers are ready to assist you in what you’ll soon be calling your easiest move yet. Get started today by filling out our online quote form.