No one likes moving, but unfortunately, it’s sometimes necessary. If you’re currently in the process of packing and moving, here are some tips from professionals at UNITS Moving and Portable Storage of Louisville to help make sure things go as smoothly as possible.

Make a list of what needs to be done

When a project feels daunting, break it up into tiny steps to stay focused without feeling bogged down. Create a sense of accomplishment by checking each task as you finish it. This will also help you ensure that every detail gets attention.

Get organized and pack smart

No one enjoys moving. However, there are some methods you can use to make it more manageable. For example, be sure to label each box with its contents. That way, when you’re searching for a specific item, later on, you won’t have to open every single box. Another thing you could do is group all your kitchen items in one area or pile all your clothes in another so that unpacking will be less strenuous.

Hire some help

You don’t have to feel ashamed for admitting that you need some assistance, especially when it comes time to move. If the idea of having to lift all your belongings without help sounds terrible, remember that there are professional companies whose entire job is to help people move! A small amount of professional assistance can go a long way in making sure the process goes smoothly.

Don’t forget the essentials

It’s easy to forget the little things when packing for a move, but items like your toothbrush and coffee mug are often essential. Prepare a bag of essentials that you’ll need for the first few days in your new place so later on when rummaging through boxes trying to find something specific. You won’t be left without them.

Remember the utilities

We’ve all been guilty of letting the little things slide, but by taking care of your utilities now, you can avoid bigger issues down the road.

Take some time for yourself

The details of packing up your life and moving to a new place can be extremely overwhelming. Admittedly, I used to experience intense anxiety and fatigue after relocating. To combat these negative emotions, I schedule relaxation into my day-to-day routine now. Even taking just a few minutes for meditation or a peaceful walk outside helps me clear my headspace and better manage hectic feelings.

By personalizing your new space and following the steps below, you can ensure a less stressful transition by taking less time to adjust. UNITS Moving and Portable Storage of Louisville is here to make the moving process simple. Our storage units are the perfect solution whether you need to store your belongings for a few weeks or a few months! Give us a call today and get yours!

Ready To Make The Move?


(502) 369-0742

Our local owners and managers are ready to assist you in what you’ll soon be calling your easiest move yet. Get started today by filling out our online quote form.