Items You Should Not Pack Before a Move

Moving to a new home can be an exciting yet stressful endeavor. There’s a lot to plan, organize, and pack before the big day arrives. While it’s crucial to pack efficiently, there are certain items you should avoid packing too early or packing at all. Here are some valuable tips on items you should not pack before a move to make your transition smoother and less chaotic.

1. Essential Documents

One of the most common mistakes people make when moving is packing essential documents too soon. Documents like passports, birth certificates, social security cards, and financial records should always be kept with you or in a secure, easily accessible place during the move. Losing these documents or having them buried in a sea of boxes can lead to unnecessary stress.

2. Medications and First Aid Supplies

If you or your family members rely on medications, make sure to keep an adequate supply on hand during the move. Packing medications too early can be risky if you need them unexpectedly. Keep a first aid kit readily available in case of any minor injuries during the moving process.

3. Valuables and Irreplaceable Items

Items with significant sentimental or monetary value, such as jewelry, family heirlooms, and important keepsakes, should not be packed with the rest of your belongings. These should be personally transported by you or stored in a secure place until you’re ready to move them.

4. Perishable Food and Opened Liquids

Avoid packing perishable items like fresh produce, dairy products, and frozen foods in advance. Instead, try to consume or donate these items before your move. Additionally, opened bottles of liquids, like cleaning products or condiments, can spill during transit, causing damage to your other belongings. Dispose of or use them up before moving day.

5. Hazardous Materials

Safety should be a top priority during a move. Hazardous materials like paint, chemicals, propane tanks, and gasoline should never be packed with the rest of your belongings. These items are dangerous and may be prohibited by law. Properly dispose of these materials before moving.

6. Cleaning Supplies

While it’s essential to clean your old home before leaving, packing cleaning supplies too early can be inconvenient. Keep a small cleaning kit handy for any last-minute touch-ups, and pack the rest after you’ve completed your final cleaning.

7. Pet Supplies

If you have pets, ensure they have their essentials readily available. Items like food, water bowls, leashes, and toys should be easily accessible, especially if you’re traveling long distances or staying in temporary accommodations.

8. Seasonal Clothing

Packing all your clothing in one go can be overwhelming. Consider packing your seasonal clothing closer to the moving date. In the meantime, donate or store items you won’t need until after the move.

9. Electronics and Chargers

In today’s digital age, electronics are essential. Keep your devices and their chargers with you during the move. This way, you’ll have access to important information and entertainment while you’re in transit or settling into your new home.

Packing for a move can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and organization, you can make it less stressful. By avoiding the early packing of essential documents, valuables, perishable items, hazardous materials, and other crucial items, you’ll ensure a smoother and more efficient move. Remember to label your boxes properly and stay organized to make your move a success. Good luck with your upcoming move, and may your new home be filled with happiness and wonderful memories!

Need help moving? For more information, call (323) 430-9060 or visit UNITS® Moving and Portable Storage of Los Angeles.

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