Items You Should Toss Before Moving

Moving can be an exciting yet challenging process. Whether you’re moving to a new home or transitioning to a different city, packing up your belongings is a significant undertaking. One of the most crucial aspects of moving is decluttering and organizing your possessions. This blog will explore the items you should consider tossing before your move, helping you streamline the process, save time, and create a fresh start.

Outdated Clothing and Accessories: Sorting through your clothing can be a liberating experience before a move. Take this opportunity to get rid of clothes and accessories you no longer wear or that are out of style. Be ruthless in your decisions. If you haven’t worn something in the past year or it doesn’t fit well, it’s time to let it go. Donating gently used items can give your belongings a new life while helping those in need.

Duplicates and Excess Kitchenware: The kitchen is notorious for accumulating excess items. As you pack up your kitchen, evaluate whether you truly need multiple items of the same kind, such as pots, pans, and utensils. Consider donating or selling duplicates and keeping only the essentials. This reduces the clutter in your new kitchen and minimizes the effort required for packing and unpacking.

Old Electronics and Cables: Electronic devices and their accompanying cables tend to accumulate over time. Before you move, go through your collection of old cell phones, chargers, and electronic gadgets that are no longer in use. Properly dispose of or recycle these items to declutter your space and reduce e-waste. Keep only the electronics that are functional and necessary in your new home.

Expired Medications and Toiletries: Moving is the perfect time to go through your medicine cabinet and toiletries. Dispose of expired medications, skincare products, and cosmetics that you no longer use. Be sure to follow proper disposal guidelines for medications, and consider donating unused, unexpired toiletries to local shelters or organizations in need.

Unread Books and Magazines: Books and magazines can add substantial weight to your moving boxes. Take a look at your bookshelf and decide which books you genuinely intend to read in the future. Consider donating gently used books to libraries, schools, or thrift stores. Digital alternatives like e-books and online subscriptions can help you minimize physical clutter while still enjoying your reading interests.

Worn-Out Furniture: Moving is an excellent opportunity to reassess your furniture needs. If you have pieces that are worn out, damaged, or no longer align with your design preferences, it might be time to part ways with them. Selling or donating furniture can lighten your load and allow you to invest in pieces that better suit your new space.

Forgotten Hobby Supplies: We all have hobbies we’ve abandoned over the years. Before moving, take a look at your collection of hobby-related supplies and go through everything. If you’re unlikely to pick up that forgotten instrument or crafting materials, consider passing them on to someone who will appreciate and use them.

Moving presents an ideal chance to declutter your life and begin anew. By identifying and tossing items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy, you can reduce the stress of packing and unpacking while creating a more organized and intentional living space. Remember, letting go of the old can make room for new experiences and opportunities in your new home.

Need help storing items you do need? For more information, visit UNITS Moving and Portable Storage of Cincinnati or call (513) 506-3223.

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