How to Feel at Home in Your New Space
How to Feel at Home in Your New Space
  • May 15, 2017

Summer is just around the corner, which means soon there will be moving trucks and portable storage units all over the place–particularly if you live in a college town. While moving can be incredibly refreshing, it can also be a bit stressful. We hope that the stress will subside after we are done with the […]

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Items That Belong in Climate-Controlled Storage
Items That Belong in Climate-Controlled Storage
  • May 3, 2017

Whether you’re in the middle of a remodel, clearing out space for your growing family or simply on a spring cleaning kick, a temporary storage unit can come to great use. However, just like your possessions, not all storage units are created equal. With the summer weather quickly approaching, you’ll want to make sure you’re […]

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Prepping Your Home for a Charleston Summer
Prepping Your Home for a Charleston Summer
  • April 21, 2017

A Charleston summer means beach days, picnics, and a very busy schedule. Every little bit of planning goes a long way, and not even an effortless summer day is an exception. So, whether this is your first year in Charleston, or you’re a proud local, here are a few ways to keep your home prim […]

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Home Spring Cleaning List: 5 Forgotten Areas
Home Spring Cleaning List: 5 Forgotten Areas
  • April 14, 2017

Likely, this spring you’ve already begun donating old clothes, tossing out unneeded items, dusting down your furniture or deep cleaning your bathrooms. But, there are many areas in your home that often get looked over and forgotten about. Here are some areas in your home you need to add to your spring cleaning list: Behind […]

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Tips to Update Your Bedroom on a Budget
Tips to Update Your Bedroom on a Budget
  • April 6, 2017

Your bedroom should help you fall asleep, not make you yawn from boredom. Luckily, a few low-budget upgrades can quickly turn your bedroom from boring to relaxing. Here are our top tips for to update your bedroom on a budget: Paint or add new features to your closet doors. Here are a few things to […]

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Tips To Organize Your Kitchen
Tips To Organize Your Kitchen
  • March 23, 2017

For many, the kitchen is the heart of your home, playing host to some amazing family memories. It’s an important space which is why a good decluttering of the kitchen is always a good idea. Here are our top tips to organize your kitchen: Toss it out. First and foremost, an organized kitchen is a […]

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