How to Move Safely While Pregnant
How to Move Safely While Pregnant
  • September 13, 2021

Sometimes life works out such that two big life events coincide, like having a baby and moving. Both of these events are exciting, but come with their own unique kinds of stress. The moving experts at UNITS® Moving and Portable Storage have gathered some helpful tips to keep in mind when moving while pregnant, so […]

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Best Ways to Organize your Children’s Toys
Best Ways to Organize your Children’s Toys
  • September 8, 2021

If you’re a parent of a young one or a few young ones, you know how it is. Their toys can easily be scattered all over the kitchen, bedroom, playroom or every laundry room and can easily get lost or lodged away. Save yourself the unwanted trouble of having to explain to your child that […]

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States That Have A Minimal Number of Basements
States That Have A Minimal Number of Basements
  • September 1, 2021

There are several states in the US that do not have basements for many reasons and the home can easily get crowded with items that need to be stored away, so there is a much larger need to rent or purchase a storage unit. The usual reasons that these following states do not have basements […]

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Best Locks for Storage Units
Best Locks for Storage Units
  • August 25, 2021

Keeping your belongings safe is an ultimate priority, especially for when you have a storage unit that stores a lot of your valuable items. There are several locks that you can choose from that are durable and will help keep your belongings from being stolen. Here are four (4) that UNITS® recommends with all the […]

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How to Manage and Store your Beloved Holiday Decorations
How to Manage and Store your Beloved Holiday Decorations
  • August 18, 2021

If you’re one of those people who decorate their home for every holiday or occasion, then you must have a lot of decorations either stored away in the basement or attic! These decorations can really start to take up room in your home or apartment and can easily become messy and hard to sort through. […]

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Talking To Your Current Company About Moving Out of State
Talking To Your Current Company About Moving Out of State
  • August 11, 2021

The big day has come; you are going to speak to your boss about moving to a new state. The most important thing to remember is that regardless of what your boss or coworkers say, you are doing this for you and not for them, so don’t let them change your mind if this is […]

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