Save Space (and Money) When Packing for Storage
  • February 20, 2022

When it comes to storage, you don’t have to choose between saving money and having space to keep your things. You may save money on storage by properly packing your possessions! Read on for more storage organizing tips and ideas from UNITS Moving and Portable Storage. Types of boxes and containers to hold personal belongings […]

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Elderly couple taking their time packing their UNITS moving and portablev storage containers
Tips and Tricks for Organizing Your Storage Unit
  • February 15, 2022

Storage containers are a great way to store things, but they can become out of hand if you don’t handle them with care. After all, if you fill your storage container with too many family memories or holiday decorations, it will soon become chaotic! While it may be difficult to keep things in order, follow […]

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How to Organize Your Holiday Ornaments
How to Organize Your Holiday Ornaments
  • January 3, 2022

It’s past the holidays and into the rest of winter, and you’re finally getting around to taking down those decorations and send them back into storage until next year. This time, try taking a more careful approach, and you’ll thank yourself next year when setting up is a breeze! Regardless of what holiday tradition you […]

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Store Better In Cold Weather
Store Better In Cold Weather
  • December 27, 2021

Extreme temperatures are commonly cited as the most challenging part of storing belongings. Many homeowners are devastated when they take furniture and other temperature-sensitive items out of storage after a long winter to discover cracking and humidity (or the lack of) damage. We’ve compiled some of the best tricks and strategies you can use to […]

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How to Pack Moving Boxes: A Helpful Guide
How to Pack Moving Boxes: A Helpful Guide
  • December 20, 2021

There are lots of packing and organizing strategies when it comes to fitting your belongings in cardboard boxes. As we mentioned in an earlier post, the big benefits of cardboard boxes are their wide availability, affordability, and versatility. They can come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit many specific, hard-to-pack or fragile […]

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House Hunting? Follow This Checklist to Find the Home of Your Dreams
House Hunting? Follow This Checklist to Find the Home of Your Dreams
  • December 13, 2021

House hunting can be both exciting and extremely daunting. There are so many things that go into the process, from getting approved for a loan and preparing a price range to finding a reliable real estate agent. But we’re talking about the process that comes after – actually looking at potential homes.   Every homebuyer […]

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