Moving can be an exciting yet challenging experience. From finding a new place to live to packing up your entire life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with a bit of planning and organization, you can make your move smoother and less stressful. Here are some friendly tips to help you organize your moving essentials before the big day.

Start Early

One of the best ways to ensure a smooth move is to start early. As soon as you know you’re moving, begin organizing your tasks. Create a moving timeline that breaks down everything you need to do from now until moving day. This could include tasks like scheduling moving services, decluttering your home, and packing non-essential items. By starting early, you give yourself plenty of time to tackle each task.

Create a Moving Checklist

A moving checklist is an invaluable tool that can keep you on track. List everything you need to do before, during, and after the move. Include tasks like transferring utilities, updating your address, and notifying important contacts of your move. Having a checklist ensures that you won’t forget any important steps and allows you to see your progress as you check off completed tasks.

Gather Packing Supplies

Before you start packing, gather all the supplies you’ll need. This includes boxes of various sizes, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing paper, and markers for labeling. Having your supplies ready and on hand will make the packing process much more efficient. You can find packing supplies at local retailers, moving supplies stores, or even online.

Declutter Your Home

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter your home. Go through each room and decide what items you no longer need or use. Donate, sell, or recycle items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your life. This not only reduces the amount of stuff you have to pack but also makes unpacking in your new home much easier.

Pack Strategically

When it comes to packing, strategy is key. Start by packing non-essential items first, such as out-of-season clothes, books, and decorative items. As moving day approaches, you can pack more frequently used items. Be sure to label each box with its contents and the room it belongs in. This will make unpacking much more straightforward. Also, consider creating an inventory list to keep track of what you’ve packed.

Create a Moving Essentials Box

Pack a moving essentials box with items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. This could include toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, chargers, basic kitchen supplies, and any medications you may need. Having these moving essentials easily accessible will make your first few days in your new home more comfortable and less chaotic.

Take Care of Utilities and Services

Before moving, make sure to transfer or set up your utilities and services at your new home. This includes electricity, water, gas, internet, and cable. Schedule the disconnection of services at your current home for the day after your move to ensure you have everything you need until you leave. Additionally, notify your bank, employer, insurance providers, and any subscription services of your new address.

Protect Valuable Items

For valuable or fragile items, take extra precautions to ensure they’re protected during the move. Use bubble wrap or packing paper to wrap delicate items, and consider transporting valuable items, such as jewelry and important documents, with you. Clearly label boxes containing fragile items so everyone knows to handle them with care.

Plan for Moving Day

As moving day approaches, make a plan for the day itself. Ensure you have snacks, water, and any necessary moving essentials on hand. If you have children or pets, arrange for someone to look after them on moving day to reduce stress and keep them safe. 

Stay Positive and Flexible

Finally, remember to stay positive and flexible throughout the moving process. Things may not always go as planned, and that’s okay. Keep a sense of humor and be prepared to adapt to any unexpected challenges. Moving is a significant life event, but with careful planning and the organization of your moving essentials, you can make it a smooth and enjoyable experience.

By following these tips and organizing your moving essentials ahead of time, you’ll be well-prepared for your move. Embrace the excitement of starting a new chapter in your life and enjoy the journey to your new home!

For more information or help with the move, visit UNITS® Moving and Portable Storage of Boise or call (208) 487-6710.

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