While we all wish that it was never necessary, moving can sometimes be the only option. To help ensure a smooth transition when you’re packing up to move fast, here are some helpful pointers from experienced movers.

Make a List of What Needs to Be Done

When you break down the project into manageable tasks, you can stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed. Plus, when you check off each task as it is completed, not only will this help keep your momentum going, but it also ensures that nothing gets left out of the equation.

Get Organized and Pack Smart

Relocating can be an arduous endeavor. However, there are measures you can take to make the process easier. It’s important to label each box clearly with a description of its contents. This will save time and effort when looking for something specific at your new home. Additionally, packing items according to their type is another helpful strategy. Placing all kitchenware in one box or stuffing clothes into containers will ensure maximum efficiency during transportation.

Hire Some Help

Asking for help should never be an embarrassment, particularly when it concerns relocating. If the concept of transferring all your items on your own seems overwhelming, numerous experienced moving companies would love to provide assistance! The expertise of pros can make a huge difference in making sure everything runs seamlessly.

Don’t Forget the Essentials

Packing for a relocation can be overwhelming. However, it’s easy to forget about necessities such as your toothbrush and coffee mug. To make sure you are covered when searching through boxes later on, create an essential items bag with items that you’ll need in the first few days of settling into your new home. Then, no matter what happens, you won’t be left feeling helpless!

Remember the Utilities

We’ve all been guilty of letting the little things slide, but by taking care of your utilities now, you can avoid bigger issues down the road.

Take Some Time for Yourself

After you finish moving, it’s understandable if you feel overwhelmed and stressed. To ensure your mind and body are in a healthy state of being, be sure to make time for yourself each day. Whether this is five minutes spent meditating or an invigorating walk outside, taking some moments to unwind can help clear your head from the hustle and bustle of unpacking boxes.

You can guarantee a much smoother move by making your new living quarters personalized and following the tips above. This way, you will take less time to adjust to the transition and experience less stress overall.

UNITS Moving and Portable Storage of Atlanta is here to simplify the moving process. Our storage units are the perfect solution whether you need to store your belongings for a few weeks or a few months! Give us a call today and get yours!

Ready To Make The Move?


(678) 218-6057

Our local owners and managers are ready to assist you in what you’ll soon be calling your easiest move yet. Get started today by filling out our online quote form.